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Scoop Kraft Flat Base 78x40x82/117mm (500)

Product Code: CS1011

£22.79 exc vat

In stock

* Minimum order quantity: 1

500 Per Pack

Compostable Kraft flat base chip scoops, made from sustainably sourced food grade board. Idea for fast food restaurants and outdoor food service.

Suitable for serving portions of chips, typically used in fast food restaurants and food-to-go settings.

Made in the EU
100% Recyclable
100% Biodegradable
100% Compostable

Sustainability Key


This product can be recycled.


This product is biodegradable, it has the ability to breakdown naturally in a way that is not harmful to the environment.


This product is compostable, made from organic materials and will breakdown quickly in a compost setting.

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