Internationally, awareness of the global plastic issue is growing. Celebrity influencers such as Leonardo Di Caprio are voicing their anguish on social media, lead-thinkers are warning of irreparable damage and world leaders are promising new laws and actions - we’re beginning to strategise solutions to a monumental problem.
A global agreement for change, from a government policy level down to the individual citizen seems to be the only true way of forging a solution. With this in mind, we’ve outlined the core reasons why we think businesses should make a small positive change and switch from plastic coffee cups to biodegradable alternatives.
Protect the oceans
As plastic is cheap, easily transportable and relatively durable, it’s a common material used to line the inside of paper coffee cups, this is what makes the cup leak-proof. Sadly, these cups are often too flimsy or impractical to be used again and are thrown away after only one use. A much-reported but disturbing estimate currently being repeated by major news sources is that by 2050, if we continue at our current rate of production and pollution, plastic will outweigh fish in the ocean.
Plastic from disposable cups certainly make up a sizeable portion of the ocean’s plastic pollution, which break up into smaller pieces or microplastics and then strike or are consumed by sealife - causing them to choke. The oceans are a vital part of our ecosystem and a valuable food source for many living beings, including humans, so doing more to protect them should be on any business’s (big or small) environmental strategy.
Global warming
The strongest argument for ditching single-use coffee cups is how their use impacts global warming. Businesses who choose to use non-biodegradable disposable packaging are needlessly contributing to damaging the Earth’s ozone layer. The byproduct pollutive gasses created when plastic is produced is a significant cause of global warming and disposable cups which aren’t biodegradable, or even recyclable, will often end up in landfills - taking up to 450 years to decompose.
Reusable coffee cups
Providing customers with reusable coffee cups is simple enough if you’re a brick-based business with a built-in kitchen area, but for businesses operating from a mobile unit or who provide the necessary takeaway option, this would be way too costly. In an ideal utopian world, consumers would carry a reusable cup with them everywhere they go but it isn’t realistic.
Convenience is key and the option to have a cup provided for a takeaway beverage is quite important and in keeping with a cosmopolitan and busy city lifestyle. An initiative currently being carried out by some councils promotes businesses advertising their store as a free water bottle fill up point. The scheme has been adopted by many local businesses - advertising their participance via a sticker in the store window. A similar scheme could be adopted offering discount for anyone who brings a reusable cup into the store for their coffee.
How biodegradable & compostable cups differ
Biodegradable or compostable cups are the best solution to the problem - as they are carbon neutral and naturally break down a lot quicker than cardboard or plastic cups. These ingenious products can simply be thrown into a compost pile or standard dustbin and will decompose, naturally, within a predetermined time limit.
Compostable packaging breaks down into usable compost. If you can provide customers with a compost bin at your site, they can add their used cup to the pile which can then be used for fertiliser for soil - great for planting your own fresh fruit or vegetables. Don’t forget to mention the initiative to your followers online! Biodegradable packaging differs slightly as it can’t be turned into compost but it will naturally break down quicker and it doesn’t require any special conditions to do so.
Both of the above are more fuel efficient than petroleum-based plastics taking around 65% less energy to produce.
Consumer reputation
From a business point of view, it makes sense to operate using products which are less harmful to the planet. Changing from plastic or cardboard disposable coffee cups to biodegradable or compostable alternatives is a sure-fire way to make your business a hit with Millenials, who are more eco-conscious than their Gen-X predecessores.
By using biodegradable coffee cups, retailers can expect an increase in sales, PR opportunities and more attention from ethically-minded consumers and media services.
At R&R Packaging, we’re committed to supplying businesses with the highest quality biodegradable disposable products to ensure a cleaner, safer planet for all to enjoy.