There are a number of options available to people looking for new packaging solutions for their business, particularly if you're looking for simple, popular products like basic paper bags – such as these. The simple white design is neutral and suitable for a vast majority of situations, and of course the paper material is carefully produced to ensure that it provides a durable enough and effective enough solution for a wide variety of business to use for a variety of produce. These are particularly widely used in market stalls and green grocers for a selection of food produce such as fresh fruit, vegetables, treats and sweets, as well as used for small items such as jewellery – particularly when it comes to market stalls. These are a fantastic option not only because they are well known and quickly recognised, but also because they provide an environmentally friendly solution being manufactured using paper, allowing them to offer a completely biodegradable solution to your needs, and a cost effective one too. This particular product selection is 7†x 9†in proportions, making it one of the slightly larger options and suitable for a wider range of products. It is supplied in boxes of 1000, however these boxes can be supplied in a flexible selection of quantities to ensure that you have everything you need, and with our bulk order discounts you can get it at a price that suits you.